Green Box of Games Community Wiki


To have the highest number of opponent’s cubes in your goal at the end of the game.


put the tiles in a line, pointing to the two players, put at the end of the line the two cards with the arrows pointed towards the players (they are the goals). 



Players take turns. At his turn a player MUST execute one of the two actions described below:

Action 1: the player takes ALL the cubes which are on a tile and moves them towards his goal. The cubes are moved exactly by a number of steps (=tiles or goals) equal to the number of the active player’s cubes involved in the move (example: if a tile contains 2 red and 3 blue cubes, all these 5 cubes could be moved exactly by 2 steps towards the red goal by the red player, and exactly by 3 steps towards the blue goal by the blue player). Obviously, a player can move the cubes that are on a tile only if there is almost one cube of his color amongst them.

A player can move cubes into his goal only moving them by exact number of steps (example: if there is a tile with three red cubes at a distance of two steps from the red goal, the red player cannot move the cubes from that tile to his goal).

A player can move cubes on his goal also only if there is at least one opponent’s cube on the starting tile (in other words: you cannot move your cubes in your goal without capturing some enemy cubes).

Cubes which end their movement on a goal, remain there for the rest of the game.

It is not allowed to make a move which recreate the situation on the board which was before last opponent’s move. In other words, a player’s move cannot “undo” last opponent’s move.

Action 2: the player takes one of his cubes from the reserve and puts it on an empty tile.


When one of the player is not able to make a legal move, his opponent takes all the cubes that are still on the tiles and puts them on his goal; then the game is ended.

The winner is the player who has the greater number of opponent’s cubes on his goal.
